Monday 30 July 2018

Khan's bike repair

Khan came in the other day with his bike.needing a repair 

Khan lives round the corner from the Merseybank Men's Shed and had thought of coming to our shop as he passed it most days. Well, he did pluck up his courage ans come in. 

He has had a hard time of it recently, recovering from a serious illness (cancer) has left him lacking in energy, fitness and will power. His wife had been encouraging him for ages to repair his bike so they could go out on bike rides together. He knew he should do it but found it hard to get started on his bike repair project

Well he brought the bike into our shop with spare inner tubes and we had a great time together , in the back yard, remembering between us how we used to do this sort of thing when we were young lads. 

What's more we managed to replace the inner tubes, blow then up with a pump - and they remained inflated! Yes! 

Here are pictures of Khan mending the bike in the back, and then riding off on the newly fixed bike. Pleased as punch