Wednesday 17 July 2019

Planters for the corner of Merseybank Parade

Planters for the corner of Merseybank Parade

In July 2019 we were commissioned by Manchester CityCouncil to construct 7 planters and fill them with soil ready for planting (which Irene from the Community Garden on Merseybank will organise). We constructed the planters a while back and yesterday the soil was delivered

Unfortunately, there was no digger/loader with the soil, they were just lowered down on to the pavementin from of our shop on Merseybank Parade in builders bags and on pallets - all 8 tonnes of them

Day one was not very successful as we attempted to store the pllaets in the alleyway. The pallet loader got stuck on the gritted pathway and we spent a lot of time putting the pallet back on the pavement

The following day was much more successful. After our failure yesterday I thought it might take us all day to successfully put one planter in place and get it filled,with soil but instead we manage to do the lot, all 7 planters, and had a good time doing it too. Many thanks to Miles (yesterday) Steve, Rick, Saleem, Pete Whiteley (from the City Council) and Devon for their hard work, and encouragement from June and many local people

Saturday 13 July 2019

Making a classical American Rocking Chair

Making a classical American Rocking Chair

Nick who joined us in November 2019 is a skilled joiner and furniture makes. He has set himself the project of making from scratch and by hand a rocking chair as designed by the famous American Sam Maloof (1916 – 2009) furniture designer and woodworker whose work now sells for thousands of pounds. You can compare Nick's chair with the original Maloof in these two photos

Nick Larder chair